Application of modular mesh belt in paperboard transmission


Modular belts are constructed with modules molded from thermoplastic materials connected with solid plastic rods.Except for narrow belts (one complete module or less in width),all are built with the joints between modules staggered with those of adjacent rows in a “bricklayed”fashion.This structure can enhance transverse strength and it is easy for maintain.
The total plastic and cleanable design can solve the steel belts easily polluted.Now the cleanable design makes the belts very suitable for food industry area as well.Also there are be widely used in many other industries,such as container making,pharmaceutical and automotive,lines of battery and so on.
TuoXin company has a widely range of different material and structure belts.The range of TuoXin’s modular belts varies from 3/8 inch small pitch straight running belts to 2 inch pitch sideflexing belts,The most commonly used belt styles inclued:
Flat Top:suitable for a wide range of products,when a fully closed belt surface is preferred.
Flush Grid:commonly used in applications where drainage or airflow is desired.
Raised Rib:recommended in applications where product stability over transfers is a concern.
Friction Top:commonly employed on incline conveyors,where the elevation of product changes.Friction Top modular belts can be used up to an angle of 20 degrees,depending        on the pack style and material.
Roller Top:used in a variety of low-pressure accumulation applications.
Perforated Flat Top:used when air flow and water flow are critical but the percentage of belt open area must remain low.
Other,less frequently used belt styles may better fit your special requirements: Open Grid,Nub Top (anti-stick), Cone Top (extra grip).

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Tuoxin provides a technical solution that can efficiently improves the safety and productivity for corrugated cardboard. One of the advantages of the solution is that it allows frequent changes in the stack layout and stack size without requiring additional operators to support unstable stacks. Plastic modular belts provide a smooth and even platform for the efficient movement for of the stacks that are five times higher than the width of the cardboard. This has greater advantages over roller conveyor which the stacking height is three times the width.
Improve safety for the operators in the working area
Increase the productivity of the corrugators, especially reduce stoppages due to format change of stack instability.
Eliminate product waste caused by “elephant’s foot” effect and curving or marking cause by interference from the roller.
Reduce the cost of transferring due to the stability of stacks.
Reduce maintenance operations.

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Post time: Feb-15-2023